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alumni event

To all of our alumni,


The XXVth of Board of AEclipse is honored to invite you to participate in our online alumni event that will take place on the 18th of March, 2021.


We are proud to announce that this is the first alumni event where you will be able to meet and interact with current master (and bachelor-3) students. Nowadays, many students struggle with finding a career path that fits their ambitions. We intend to facilitate an event where alumni tell their success (and failure) stories and offer students the opportunity to enhance their personal network by interacting with you. We are sure that you have gone through similar struggles with finding your path yourself and by sharing your experience, you would not only be of great help to the students but it would be a wonderful way of giving back to your faculty.


In return, we would love to offer the possibility of an online alumni wine tasting and meet-up. All necessities will be provided by us. After the virtual tasting, all alumni will be split up into different groups depending on preferences, so everyone can socialize and mingle.


The agenda is as follows:

  • 16.00 - 17.30: Speed dating with current students

  • 17.30 - 19.00: Virtual wine tasting with fellow alumni


Please keep in mind you have the option to decide on what part of the event you would like to attend, either the first part with the students or the second one with only the alumni. It is also an option to attend the whole event, of course.


Registrations for this event are now closed. In case of any questions, please contact

Have a question about the alumni event?

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