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The 28th Board


Hello! My name is Antoine Ognibene and I’m the current President of the 28th Board of AEclipse. I’m 21, from Belgium, and now pursuing the Master’s in Policy Economics at Erasmus School of Economics. I previously studied at Maastricht University, so it is my 4th year in the Netherlands. Trying to become the best Dutchie I can!


As the President, I am responsible for the broader administrative tasks, representing the association, and envisioning the long-term strategic plans for AEclipse. As we take on from such a competent Board, we strive to push forward and enrich the overall experience of our Master students and develop interpersonal relationships on the way. What drew me to AEclipse the most was how approachable everyone is and how enthusiastically they work, and I hope to do even better in our term.


I am thrilled to be working alongside such a diverse, motivating and enthusiastic team, who make this experience gratifying and so much more fun. I look forward to meeting and working with more such people throughout this year and I am beyond excited to see what this year holds for each of us!


Antoine Ognibene


Hi everyone! My name is Lisa Kentin, and I am the Secretary and Vice-President of the 28th board of AEclipse. I am 26 years old, I am from the Netherlands, and have been a student at Erasmus University since 2015, obtaining Bachelor degrees in Philosophy and Economics before pursuing my Master's degree in Policy Economics. I enjoy watching sports, making music and playing games. 


In my role, I take care of internal administration and contacts with other associations and our members and students, while supporting my fellow board members in their activities. Besides that, I am in charge of marketing, as well as keeping our website and social media channels up to date. Together with my amazing Marketing Committee, we are working on increasing the online presence of AEclipse and making sure all of our activities and events are presented to our network as well as possible. 


AEclipse has provided me with an amazing opportunity to finish up my last year at Erasmus by connecting with many different people and enjoying some amazing events. I am excited to work with this amazing board to make this year the best AEclipse year yet! 

Vice President & Secretary

Lisa Kentin​


Hello there! I am David, treasurer of the 28th board of AEclipse. I am Dutch and Canadian, having studied and worked in Canada, Australia, and The Netherlands. After graduating from the University of Western Australia and spending 3 years in the workforce, I came back to The Netherlands to pursue a Master’s in Policy Economics at ESE. 


I joined AEclipse because of the value it adds to my degree and experience at Erasmus University. In addition to completing a master’s degree, I want to use my time at Erasmus to expand my network, connect with potential employers, and springboard my career. Aeclipse has proven to be the perfect opportunity for me to achieve those goals, and to meet some great people along the way. 


My main responsibility is ensuring that Aeclipse remains in a healthy financial position to continue as a student association, and to support the members in fulfilling our role as an association for master’s students at ESE. From budgeting and managing the accounts, to helping other board members in planning the association’s activities, the role gives me a broad overview of everything that happens at Aeclipse. I have full confidence in this year’s board, and am excited to see what we can accomplish this year


David Souman 


Hello! I'm Johann, the Commissioner of External Affairs of the 28th Aeclipse Board. My role is centred around connecting my fellow students with employers and giving students an understanding of what types of firms are out there. I'm passionate about helping graduates find work they're excited about and I'm dedicated to making that a central part of our members' time at EUR. This year, I aim to focus on unconventional career paths for economists, such as journalism or tech.


Feel free to connect with me at or via LinkedIn ( — I'm here to support you in any way I can. Looking forward to an exciting and productive year with AEclipse.


Commissioner of External Affairs

Johann Klopp​


I'm Ankita Sharma, Academic Commissioner at Aeclipse. My role revolves around blending the enthusiasm of learning with a touch of formality, creating an environment where academia meets purpose.


As part of my responsibilities, I oversee the organization of our flagship event, the National Economics Olympiad. Additionally, I manage various academic initiatives, including lectures, workshops, and seminars, featuring distinguished speakers, academics, economists, and industry experts.


Originally from India, I recently relocated to Rotterdam in the Netherlands to pursue my master's degree in Economics. The transition has been both challenging and rewarding as I adapt to the academic rigors and the ever-changing weather patterns of Rotterdam. Prior to my academic pursuit, I was a finance professional for over three years in the field of Mergers and Acquisitions. Beyond my professional endeavors, I am an avid traveler, constantly seeking new experiences and cultural insights.

Commissioner of Academiy Affairs

Ankita Sharma


Hello everyone, I'm Carla, the leader of this year's international research initiative with the 28th Aeclipse Board. Our adventure takes us to Namibia to explore the multiple impacts of the fertilizer crisis through hands-on field research. It's a privilege to lead a dynamic team of eager students, united in our goal to create positive change on a global scale.


My journey through the field of sustainable development led me to pursue a Master's in Policy Economics, a decision that has profoundly enriched my understanding of complex global issues. This programme has equipped me with an invaluable set of tools to address and solve the 'big questions', with a strong focus on development economics and the economics of migration - areas that I am deeply fascinated by.


On a personal level, my passion for travel and my curiosity have driven me to seek answers to the great mysteries of our world. The international exposure I've gained through working with Aeclipse has broadened my worldview immensely, a blessing for which I'm truly grateful. Here's to exploring, questioning and creating a better future together.

Commissioner of Development Economics

Carla Jamour​


Hello everyone, Hà Anh’s here!


As AEclipse’s Social Commissioner and your trusted friend, it’s been such a journey for me to be the person who creates fun and safe places to bring people from (Pre)-Master in ESE together. 


It’s all started from a faraway country - Vietnam. Living my whole life there, I decided to move to The Netherlands with the passion of making new friends, learning new culture and embracing the differences. With that spirit in mind, after five months working for AEclipse, a bunch of amazing events have been launched by my best team such as block drinks, Christmas potluck, karaoke night, pub quiz, bowling party and stay tuned for upcoming GALA and the city trip!


I would love to meet and talk with you guys about my experience at the office or at one of many drinks and events AEclipse organizes!

Commissioner of Social Affairs

Tran Ngoc Ha Anh


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