ESE x AEclipse AElumni Event
March 31st, 2023
We are excited to welcome you to the ESE x AEclipse AElumni Event.
If you would like to spend this evening with us, we kindly ask that you confirm your availability using the following Sign Up by Sunday, the 26th of March 2023:
The preliminary schedule is as follows:
17:00-17:30: Introduction & Opening Presentations
17:30-18:15: First Students meet AElumni Session
18:15-19:00: Second Students meet AElumni Session
19:00-21:00: Dinner for AElumni
The shedule might change a bit, so stay tuned for updates!
We would be delighted to have as many of you join us for this occasion and eagerly await your Sign Up.
Please fill out the subscription form below.
If you want to join the networking drinks & food (optional), please transfer the fee of €3,50 to:
AEclipse, IBAN: NL67 RABO 0311 6970 97.